Sunday, June 17, 2007

Composition about myself

My name is Graciela. I am nine years old. I learn at Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) Bukit Sentul. I am in Grade 3.

Grade 3 made a company called Gemstone Gemology master (GGM). In this company, we sold jewelry and rocks. I was in the Head of Marketing and my departments were Hesky, Rinaka and Tiana. They were very good. I love my School very much.

I love my Family very much. In my family I have a twin named Gaby and I have a little sister called Abel. I like to eat with my family.

My hobby are reading and finding good website. I like to read because I want to improve my vocabulary. I like to find website because if I am very dizzy to find pictures, I just open them.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Computer reflection

At my school, there is a computer lab. My teachers in the computer were Mr. Shie Fung and Ms. Marsella. They were very kind to me.

I think Mr. Shie Fung is kind because he want us not to be naughty. If Ms. Marsella is kind because she always want us to be the best of all.

During the Computer lesson in a year, we had learn making PowerPoint better, creating mind map in many programs, building journal, assembly family tree, production about natural resources and planning. (I think that’s all I know)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kalimat S-P-O-K

Warna-warna untuk S-P-O-K:
Subyek : merah
Predikat : hijau
Obyek : biru
Keterangan : kuning

1. Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.
2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.
3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.
4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.
5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.
6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.
7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.
8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.
9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reflection about the bookweek

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Nowadays, it was the day that I have the character. My character is Cinderella. I feel so shy. But I think that I am a Risk-Taker because when it was my turn to converse, I am not really shy and I just enjoy. I didn’t win but at least I try my best.

At the stage I pronounce: Hi!
I am Cinderella.
At first I do all of the house work.
But the fairy godmother and make me married the prince.

Subsequently, I have a little time to have a break about five or ten minutes.After having a little break, I listen into 8 people having a story telling from Grade four to Grade six. (Not all person in each grade)I love the whole story.

Consequently, Mr. Hendry announces the winners.The winner for the Door Decoration is Grade 3.I felt really surprise because everybody said the real one grade three win the first because of Rinaka we don’t win.

Next we have Lunch. After lunch, we have to meet at the library because there was a special story teller from Gramedia bookstore.They were telling a story about Franklin and his room.There was also a game about Franklin.

Subsequently, they said “Do you want a balloon? If you want, please line up here.”I think that if I take it, but a balloon is for babies.“Am I a babies?” I asked myself.So… Gaby asked Ibu Shirley if it is Break time.Ibu Shirley said Yes.So… Gaby bring Vanessa and me with her.Then we played together with Caca and Josephine. Before I play I said “Don’t play dangerous thing because I am wearing this Cinderella cloth”. I love this day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My character description

My name is Cinderella.
At first I wear ugly rag cloth.
But at last I got the prince and marry him.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

lima alat musik tradisional

1. Akordion
Akodion merupakan alat musik tradisonal yang berasal dari daerah Sumatera Selatan. Akordion dimainkan dengan cara ditiop. Pada umumnya Akordion dimainkan pada upacara di Sumatera Selatan.

2. Fu
Fu merupakan alat musik tradisional khas yang berasal dari Maluku Utara. Fu terbuat dari kulit kerang, dan cara memainkannya dengan cara di tiup. Fu pertama kali ditemukan ketika seseorang tersesat dan meniup kulit kerang untuk meminta bantuan orang lain.

3. Sitar
Sitar adalah alat musik tradisional dari daerah Jawa Tengah. Banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa Sitar hampir sama dengan gitar karena cara memainkannya hampir sama yaitu dengan cara di petik.

4. Sasando
Sasando merupakan alat musik tadisional dari Nusa Tenggara Timur. Cara memainkannya dengan cara di petik. Umumnya anak-anak kecil di NTT sudah diajarkan memainkan Sasando.

5. Bonang
Bonang merupakan alat musik khas daerah Jawa Timur. Biasanya Bonang dimainkan oleh sekelompok orang dengan cara di pukul.


Sinaga, Waliran(18/05/2007), Kakek
Sinaga, Elisa(19/05/2007), Tante