Sunday, June 17, 2007
Composition about myself
Grade 3 made a company called Gemstone Gemology master (GGM). In this company, we sold jewelry and rocks. I was in the Head of Marketing and my departments were Hesky, Rinaka and Tiana. They were very good. I love my School very much.
I love my Family very much. In my family I have a twin named Gaby and I have a little sister called Abel. I like to eat with my family.
My hobby are reading and finding good website. I like to read because I want to improve my vocabulary. I like to find website because if I am very dizzy to find pictures, I just open them.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Computer reflection

I think Mr. Shie Fung is kind because he want us not to be naughty. If Ms. Marsella is kind because she always want us to be the best of all.
During the Computer lesson in a year, we had learn making PowerPoint better, creating mind map in many programs, building journal, assembly family tree, production about natural resources and planning. (I think that’s all I know)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Kalimat S-P-O-K
Subyek : merah
Predikat : hijau
Obyek : biru
Keterangan : kuning
1. Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.
2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.
3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.
4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.
5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.
6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.
7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.
8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.
9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.
Friday, May 25, 2007
I 've got a cute website for kids.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Reflection about the bookweek

Nowadays, it was the day that I have the character. My character is Cinderella. I feel so shy. But I think that I am a Risk-Taker because when it was my turn to converse, I am not really shy and I just enjoy. I didn’t win but at least I try my best.
At the stage I pronounce: Hi!
I am Cinderella.
At first I do all of the house work.
But the fairy godmother and make me married the prince.
Subsequently, I have a little time to have a break about five or ten minutes.After having a little break, I listen into 8 people having a story telling from Grade four to Grade six. (Not all person in each grade)I love the whole story.
Consequently, Mr. Hendry announces the winners.The winner for the Door Decoration is Grade 3.I felt really surprise because everybody said the real one grade three win the first because of Rinaka we don’t win.
Next we have Lunch. After lunch, we have to meet at the library because there was a special story teller from Gramedia bookstore.They were telling a story about Franklin and his room.There was also a game about Franklin.
Subsequently, they said “Do you want a balloon? If you want, please line up here.”I think that if I take it, but a balloon is for babies.“Am I a babies?” I asked myself.So… Gaby asked Ibu Shirley if it is Break time.Ibu Shirley said Yes.So… Gaby bring Vanessa and me with her.Then we played together with Caca and Josephine. Before I play I said “Don’t play dangerous thing because I am wearing this Cinderella cloth”. I love this day.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
lima alat musik tradisional

Akodion merupakan alat musik tradisonal yang berasal dari daerah Sumatera Selatan. Akordion dimainkan dengan cara ditiop. Pada umumnya Akordion dimainkan pada upacara di Sumatera Selatan.
2. Fu
Fu merupakan alat musik tradisional khas yang berasal dari Maluku Utara. Fu terbuat dari kulit kerang, dan cara memainkannya dengan cara di tiup. Fu pertama kali ditemukan ketika seseorang tersesat dan meniup kulit kerang untuk meminta bantuan orang lain.
3. Sitar
Sitar adalah alat musik tradisional dari daerah Jawa Tengah. Banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa Sitar hampir sama dengan gitar karena cara memainkannya hampir sama yaitu dengan cara di petik.
4. Sasando
Sasando merupakan alat musik tadisional dari Nusa Tenggara Timur. Cara memainkannya dengan cara di petik. Umumnya anak-anak kecil di NTT sudah diajarkan memainkan Sasando.
5. Bonang
Bonang merupakan alat musik khas daerah Jawa Timur. Biasanya Bonang dimainkan oleh sekelompok orang dengan cara di pukul.
Sinaga, Waliran(18/05/2007), Kakek
Sinaga, Elisa(19/05/2007), Tante
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Today's math reflection

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Suara-Suara bintang
Kuda meringkik
Anjing menggogong
Kucing mengeong
Tikus mencit-cit
Burung berkicau
Singa mengaum
Harimau mengaum
Kambing mengembek
Sapi melenguh
Domba mengembik
Babi mengorok
Bebek mengquak-quak
Ayam jantan berkokok
Ayam betina berkotek
Kerbau melenguh
Lebah mendengung
Ular mendesis
Tokek menokek
Friday, May 11, 2007
Check this out
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Cup-A-phone Reflection
The steps are:
1. Find a friend.
2. Find two cups.
3. Get one long string.
4. Put a hole in both of the cups by compass or scissor. But don’t make the whole to big.
5. Put the string in both of the cups.
6. Then tie it knot tightly.
7. Talk to your friends with that.
If you talk to your friend don’t make it loose or in another word in the middle of the string is feeling down, so the string needs to be straight and tight.
I think my learner profile is thinker because Josephine tied it six times then I asked her to tie it one more but she tied it in the bottom of the others. I could solve it. Do you want to know how? I pulled it as strong as I could and it came out. I think my second learner profile was a risk-taker because at that time I am not afraid to make that although I made this for the first time.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
My grandma is sick
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Menangkap ikan
Kolamnya bau sekali sehingga aku mau pingsan. Bau kolamnya seperti bau got yang didalamnya ada tikus-tikus. Menjijikan! Karena itu ikannya menjadi bau seperti kolamnya.
Aku merasa sangat senang karena aku bisa bermain dorong-dorongan dengan temanku.
Sewaktu saya masuk ke dalam kolam ikan, saya merasa ada yang menggelitik kulit saya. Sewaktu saya menagkap ikan, saya merasakan seperti ada kodok berlompat di tangan aku. Geli!
Di kolam ikan itu, saya juga melihat plastik-plastik yang mengapung dan sirip-sirip ikan yang metimbul diatas air.
Di kolam ikan itu saya mendengar ciprat-cipratan kaki temankuyang sedang berusaha menangap ikan.
Ketika pertamakali saya berhasil mendapat ikan, tiba –tiba teman saya datang . Prat! Prat! Prat! Hilang deh ikannya. Huh! Keduakali saya melihat ikan, saya menangkapnya tetapi ikan itu berlompat-lompat seperti kodok. Karena saya merasa geli, dengan tidak sengajaikan itu lepas dari tangan saya. Hilang lagi deh. Huh! Sewaktu selesai semua temanku dapat ikan kecuali aku dan beberapa temanku yang lain.
My instrument planning
I am using:
· Hose
· Stickers
· Noise maker
· Funnel
· Color paper
· Marker
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Mini Inquiry about what is mud
In this mini inquiry I am going to converse about pots and pans made of mud. Mud pot means a spring field with boiling mud.
· The step to make the pots and pans is:
· The clay is stuck in our hand to found stability in the unprocessed materials and side with the clay spot and remove any air left over from the pugging procedure. There are two types of wedge we use. Cindy special behavior the Japanese style of wedge she is using in this picture. It enables her to hold a large quantity of clay at once but does need some practice to perfect the technique. A simpler type of wedging, forward or Cow-head wedging, is often used by establishment potters as it is easy to do with a lowest of practice.
· For piece building pottery we use the clay straightforwardly from the pug powder. The pugged clay is firmed by throwing it at a position on a canvas sheltered table. It is then located on a piece of canvas, a second piece of canvas is placed on top of it, and then the canvas and clay squeeze in is run between the roller of the lump breaker to give a regular width to the clay.
· The lump is then carried to a desk where pieces are cut from it to be hand shaped into pottery platter or sushi set, for example. Once the cut pieces have set for a short time they’re easier to shape. Sometimes they may be dropped on top of or interested in a shape to give them an exacting shape. This is called crash mold.
· For wheel throw, once the clay is plug and stuck it is centered on the steering wheel. This is a very dangerous step as it is the base of the pot. The pot is only as true and as strong as the centering.
· If we make it we demonstrate how to middle the clay on the wheel.
· Opening the middle therefore the potter's hand can start to pull the clay up upright from both in and out.
· Every wheel is frightened from a cylinder. Vases are high skinny ones and tableware is tiny overweight ones.
· The cylinder is draw to the wish and then the shape begins.
· Overload wet is detached as of the basin by the clean which is too smooth the shell and contribute to the power of the over bowl after it is inside your kitchen background.
· The not long thrown the basin is then detached from the steering wheel and allowable to dry to a "skin hard" condition at which point it can be trim to remove surplus clay from the bottom and set up a foot.
· Once the pot is trim it is once more set on the shelf to dry up. This will take quite a few days for a bowl this size as the freshening speed must be carefully controlled to stop cracking. We have found these bakers racks are ideal for freshening as they let a consistent air run around the piece.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Fishing reflection

Four days ago, Grade three went to Taman Bunga Mekarsari
We caught fish with our hands. The fish was slippery like soap, and rapidly like a car in a hurry. The fishpond smells like a disgusting socks with died fish. YEUCH!
If I touched the fish pond and took my hand quickly, it will stately dry like a porridge stick in my hand. If I touched the fish it was slippery like soap.
I felt thrilled, jolly and hoping. I felt thrilling because I want to try it. I felt jolly because it is fun like having a pushing function. I felt hoping to get fish.
The fishpond looks like a pond that never been washed for years.
My friend got to the fishpond first, but my other friend got the maniest fish. Isn’t that strange?
We go to the fishpond by sitting down in the ground, then put the other feet, then put the other feet.
I found a fish, and then I walked slowly there, and then come my friend. Splash! Splash! Splash! The fish was gone. HUH! Then I found another one, I catch it but it wiggled like a silly frog or a people who got tummy ache. So accidentally. I fall it. HUH! The way I know the fish is because of the fish fin that is placed in the top.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Taman buah Mekarsari reflection

On Friday, 27th April 2007 Grade three went to Taman Buah Mekarsari. We go fishing with our hands. The fish puddle stink because it is swampy. Have you tried that? It was entertainment because we push each one another. These was very extra ordinary like pushing function. We bath the buffalo to followed. It was very HUGE, I am scared. You know what my feet feels hurt because there were many rocks underneath the pool. AWW! That what's I always say to my friends because they're pushing me. I think I am caring to the buffalo because I award the water to the buffalo. Planting the rice is the upcoming. Do you believe that there were many dirt? It is hard though because we need to put two of our fingers to the mud and know 10 cm. They thought we know 10 cm long. Isn't it awful! Then the other play dirt. Well, I just want to take a shower because if I play with the mud and not take a shower, I'll take a shower for along time. Then, we eat our snacks after that have fun for a moment. Next, we eat our lunch. We need to paint in the farmer hat. I've done with a picture of a rice field from the bird view. When we've finish we went to school but I don't because if we get there we will go home strately.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Maths Homework

What does kilo means?
It means a thousand.
What does kilomater means?
Kilo meter means a thousand meter.
Definition's of Meter :
Meter is unit of length & weights in International System. Beside's that definiton of meter makes the length of meter depend on the duration of the second, this is exactly speed of light of 1/299,792,458 meters per second. Another definition of meter is 1 centimeter means 1/100 meter.
History of Meter :
In 1791, The International System or Metric System make report to French National Assembly by the Paris Academy of Sciences make definition of meter is the decimal system of weights. And on 1889, the meter was defined as the distance between two graduation lines at zero degree celcius. Definition of meter have changes in defiition, the goal is to change meter actual length as little as possible. And finally at 1983, the definiton is the length of the path traveled by light in vacuum during a time of interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.
From: Elisa, 26 April 2007
Learning from my friend's blog

From Tiana's blog, I absorb that we need to leave many pictures in my blog.
From Ju-Hee's blog's, I grasp that we need to put many things, not only our homework.
From Kathleen's blog, I acquire skill in taht we need to play fancy things, especially fro girls.
From Arvid's blog, I acquire skill in that we need to tell our family identity, but not for the full name.
From Gian's blog, I found in knowledge that we nee to let knom what we should do with our family.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
GGM Market day reflection

Today is GGM Market day and it is the fourth GGM Market day. I felt so delighted bacause the total money is Rp4.120.350.
There were many customers because of our new product like batu air, cat eyes ball, american diamond and phoenix egg.
I am working as the receipt writer in the rings place. The person who work with me is Natasha the receipt writer, Josceline the bagger, and Gian the stock card.
The president director has work succesfully to make the selling day work well. I am proud of you^_^.
My Venn diagram about wants and needs
Sunday, April 22, 2007
2. Saya membutuhkan air minum karena sebagai manusia kita sering haus
3. Saya membutuhkan Alkitab supaya saya selalu dilindungi Tuhan
4. Saya membutuhkan obat-obatan supaya jika saya sakit saya bisa minum obat
5. Saya membutuhkan keluarga dan orang-orang yang menyayangi saya.
IBO Learner Profile
Communicator : I demonstrate communication when I phone my friend.
Inquirer : I establish Inquirer when I don’t know the answer.
Knowledgeable : I am knowledgeable in Math .
Open-Minded : I am open-minded when my friends give me the ideas.
Principled : My principled is believes in God.
Reflective : I always give lamp when it’s dark.
Risk-taker : I was brave when I bargain in Rawabening.
Thinker : I manifest thinker when it’s UOI time.
Balanced : I am balanced when I do UOI & Mandarin.
My parents wants for me
2. Love my Family(now and future)
3. Smart girl(Now and future)
4. responsible for our things(Now and Future)
5. overseas school(future)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My reflection about eLearning
In this class I learn how to make an email, blog with how to post a comment in my friends blog. Mrs. Jane said we need to do the Homework in our blog.
So I don't do the Homework in my book, but I do it in my blog. I did my Homework in my blog not in my book.
If I do it in my blog I can earn ideas from my friends blog, still if i do it in my Homework book I can't come into ideas from my friends.
In the future if I was ask something from my teacher about Internet I know what to do. In the future if there is a Homework about computer, I know where to search.
Do you want to make a blog? Just click here if you want to!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Children's right

If you want to know an example of children's right, you need to read the example below:
1. Children have the right to have fun.
2.Children have the right to go to heaven.
3.Children have the right to swim.
4.Children have the right to eat chocolate.
5.Children have the right to pray.
6.Children have the right to get cared from somebody.
7.Children have the right to be themselves.
8.Children have the right to study.
9.Children have the right to play.
10.Children have the right to get ideas.
Friday, April 13, 2007
My 5 needs!
My 5 wants!

2. I want to visit my country in Medan because I like to be in there.
3. I want aussino bed cover because in is cute and colorful.
4. I want my own computer because I will not fight with Gaby.
5. I want books because I can learn something from it.
I put the comments on:
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Charlotte Homework
My favorite part is when:-Wilbur was born
-Wilbur won the 1st prize
-Charlotte got 514 children.
Before Wilbur was born, there was a rain in the movie. But there is no rain in the book.

4. Tell me why you think I chose to study this book in connection with the inquiry about Communication.
You choose this story because the animal could talk and communicate to others.
Grace Purba:
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
About me
My full name is Yolanda Graciela.
I am twins, and I am the second sister from my twins.
I have a little sister called Abel.
She is the last daughter
May you
Christian Glitter by and
Christian Glitter by